Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Fourth Question


The company you work for is hosting their biggest client/partner CEO. The CEO is given a tour around your company, meeting everyone. After approaching your desk and introductions, the CEO asks: “Please, tell me a joke?”

What do you say?

End of Round Three

Why This Question:
Various approaches, reasons why people see different things.

My view:
This is all about changing the way you think. The movement is an optical illusion, on the actual picture the position of the girl is changed – it is either this or that. It does not show the movement from one position to the other. Your brain substitutes that so it is easier to comprehend.

As you can make yourself see the movement both ways – you should always try the same whilst testing or thinking what to test. This forces you to look at the problem from a different angle (in case of the spinning girl it is most obvious). Additionally, this is also why you notice some thing that others do not notice.

The following are the answers :

Tester 1:
In limited period of time girls image was verified:
Girls image is changing direction of spinning but by shadow girl is spinning counter clockwise.
So there is controversy or bug in moving image.

Tester 2:
The direction can be both, clockwise and counter-clockwise, depending on how to look at the picture. It is more easy to change the directions "in your mind" without looking at the picture first. After making up your mind, it should spin the way you want it. Changing the direction "on the fly" is tougher, but still managed to do it.

Tester 3:
According to the specification (Internet) the girl should spin clockwise and counter-clockwise, depend how to look.
Actual result:
5 min testing period 70% of the time I see that the girl spinning clockwise and rest of time counter-clockwise. It was really hard to change the spinning direction.
It’s not cool to confuse the user, that he doesn’t know any more what is a correct answer and he start to doubt his healthy mind.
Because of this we suggest to change the specification and behavior, that the girl not spinning any more at all.

Tester 4:
This image shows that the assumptions we make first, might not always be the right ones. We might see the girl spinning clockwise first, but after looking it for some time we see it spinning counter-clockwise. It is always important to make sure what is exactly happening.
After finding a bug it is very important to investigate what is the reason why something happens, because it could very easily be the outcome of some wrong configuration or setup.

Tester 5:
After a little staring I came to the conclusion that the direction of the girls spin is a question of perception. You can force your brain to interpret the incoming visual data both ways, although it is not easy to do so.
We do not have enough visual information to determine the absolute direction of spin (the one that is not dependent on the side of the brain we prefer to use). For us to do so, we would need an additional light source in the room, which would add texture to the girls curves.

Tester 6:
There are not any correct answer to this question or she is spinning both ways.
This .gif file is consisting of 34 frames and firstly girl is changing stretched legs (at certain moment shes right foot is stretched out and later left) and secondly stretched leg shadow is varying (at certain moment shadow is shown when shes back is toward us and later when shes bellybutton is).

Tester 7:
Girl changes its spinning direction, so it depends when you look at the image.
From testing point of view, it means that you have to take time to observe the situation for a while before making a decision. It can be that it is some kind of optical illusion again and the girl do not spin at all :)

Tester 8:
Spinning of the girl is ultimately relative.
Depending on the point of view there are at least 4 possibilities:
1.-2. The girl spins clockwise / counterclockwise.
3.-4. The viewer circles around the girl clockwise / counterclockwise (the girl stands still).