Wednesday, May 13, 2009

End of Round Two

Why this question ?
The idea behind the question was to make You think about exploration and discoverying.
What it is? When something is discovered? How to discover new stuff? Why we discover some stuff again-and-again? Etc...

In my view :

Discovery is the result exploration. But only so when it has been analysed and properly documented.

Columbus plotted a course to the west to find a shorter route to India or China – and ended up on America. But his finding went without much hassle until a Amerigo Vespucci really understood the finding. Not to mention Vikings, Chinese, and others who have supposedly been there first and not to mention those who already live on it.

The general point is:
*) During an exploration testing do not only just report the bugs/findings correctly. Always try to analyse them.
*) Create uncommon paths for testing. They might have more findings. No point of going through of the same old things over and over.

Before the discussion the answer nr. 5 was voted the best.

The following are all the answers I received :
(Spelling not corrected. )

Tester 1:
America is not discovered jet.
Something is discovered, while there is nothing unknown anymore.
Discovering is as ‘testing all’, it’s not possible and anyone hasn’t done that.

Tester 2:
Discovery is a coherent process - this means that the discoverer has to know that he had discovered something. Bearing this in mind, it is clear that america was not discovered by vikings in the year 1000, or by Columbus in 1492, but rather by Americo Vespucci several years later as he was the first one to realize that this was a new continent.

Tester 3:
May by Christopher Columbus, Leif Ericson or someone else. Anyway it is testable only by document review.

Tester 4:
Some said that Columbus discovered America.
Some said that one businessman called Amerigo Vespucci was first man who step on the NEW WORLD ground. All we know is that great UNCLE SAM lives there now.

Many different opinions and because of that we can't be sure who actually discovered this 'great' continent. Need a correct specification before we can be sure who was the real US and A discoverer. - Spec fault.

Tester 5:
Firstly we have to define what is discovery.
Discovery is an event when you stumble on the new land and:
-you let other people know about it
-you can understand what you have found

Vikings, Irish seafarers etc didn't share their knowledge with rest of Europe.
Columbus only discovered group of islands and thought that it was India.

So hwo was first person hwo discovered some new land and realized what

America was discovered by Amerigo Vespucci - he found new land and was first person to realize that this was new contigent.

Tester 9:
Columbus discovered America for rest of the world. There might have been others who
went there before (vikings and so on), but they never reported their finding.
Report your bugs or be forgotten in history!

Tester 10:
Tester can not be fooled by ambiguous or unclear question - facts, statements and information must be handled, processed and expressed correctly!
America was discovered 3,8 billion years ago by very primitive organisms (mutants of viruses) who are believed to be the first living creatures on earth.
America continent broke off from the west of the super-continent around 135 million years ago, therefore it was "discovered" and explored by different living creatures billions of years and because of that Leif Ericson or Christopher Columbus are definitely not a correct answers to a question of discovering an America (they were the first ones to reach America from Europe by crossing Atlantic Ocean).

Tester 11:
America was discovered by the authors of Columbus' maps, which directed him to India without going around Africa. Columbus was just the first guy to follow the idea and maps.

Tester 12:
How to discover America if the test path and result analysis were wrong? First person who figured it out was the first person who discovered America.

- Some answers were not delivered on time.

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